Simplify witholdding taxes for your nanny with our user-friendly and inexpensive service, which helps calculate wages and taxes and generates pay stubs and the info you need to file taxes.
It takes just seconds to create a paycheck each pay period - just enter a date and the hours.
Our paycheck calculator does that math for you. Try it below!
Our tax payment calculator quickly gives you the data you need to file quarterly and at the end of the year.
That's less than everyone else charges per month
Simple Nanny Payroll provides a calculator for paychecks and another for calculating what you need to file each quarter. Try this simplifed paycheck calculator by entering the hours. Note: default state tax rates below are for Pennsylvania). Change rates
It's free to try (for 30 days) and no credit card is required.
Create accountOur services does what computers do great - it makes calculations and saves payments and paychecks. That leave's two main tasks for the employer (you). First, you need to pay your nanny each week. Second, you need to file your taxes with the government.
Most household employers begin using a speadsheet and that's perfectly fine. But you'll eventually hit a couple of problems. First, it's too easy to change data by accident. Enter a number in the wrong field and your whole year of data could get corrupted. Second, if tax rates or the nanny's pay rate changes, it's hard to fix the speadsheet while preserving past data. Finally, you need to remember to regularly back up your data.
Generally, nanny's prefer to be paid weekly and in cash. If that's problematic, and you prefer not to write a check, try our favorite service Venmo. With Venmo, you and your nanny connects their banking accounts. You initiate a transfer through Venmo and your nanny has near-instant access to the money.
Create an account and start tracking right away, even if you don't know the details. It's free to try it out for 30 days. If you need help with a part of the process, contact us and we'll guide you through the process. Rest assured - paying taxes is way easier than you've heard.
We give you a calculator to easily sum up the payments you have made for each quarter or year. You then use the tool provided by to generate the W-2 and W-3. It is a very easy process that results in a PDF you can give to the IRS and your nanny.
No. This is one reason that we are so inexpensive. We do not have to integrate with 50 states in the IRS in order to do payments. That said, paying is usually easy, since the Department of Revenue at your state and locality want you money. To figure it, we suggest you start with the Department of Revenue website for your state.
Yes! With recent updates, we now support states like and including California that have extra employer and/or nanny-paid taxes.
Got a question? We are here for you.
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